Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Your Heart heart will be Happy

If the servant of Allah knows that he cannot escape nor change the plan of Allah, he will commit all his affairs to Allah and throw himself between His hands as a humble servant throws himself between the hands of a mighty king who has authority over him- and indeed the servant has no power of his own. When the servant knows all that, he will be relieved from all distress and sadness and will pass the burden to Allah who does not care or get tired. Allah will carry them, and show him kindness and mercy without any tiredness. The servant has paid attention to Allah alone and Allah paid attention to the needs and benefits of his life and emptied his heart from them, and, as a result, his life will be good and his heart will be happy.-‘Al-Fawaa’id’ by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim


  1. SubhaanAllah...How much mercyful is Allah subhanahu ta'ala is....Allah s.w.t. give us the ability to tawkkal ala Allah...Hasbiyallah wa ne'mal wakeel.

  2. Alhumdulillah ....!!!
    Allah grant us a very strong faith n tawkkal ala Allah.....n khushoo in our prayers Ameen

  3. Alhumdulillah ....!!!
    Allah grant us a very strong faith n tawkkal ala Allah.....n khushoo in our prayers !!! Ameen

  4. There are three kinds of passive feelings, which affect the heart and they are either related to the past, which causes sorrow, or related to the future so as to cause grief, of finally related to the present so as to cause distress.

  5. Indeed who has this power except Allah swt. This sentence touched my heart: "The servant has paid attention to Allah alone and Allah paid attention to the needs and benefits of his life and emptied his heart from them, and, as a result, his life will be good and his heart will be happy."

  6. Lovely relation of trust between AL REHMAN and IBADUR REHMAN ......!!!

  7. Because he knows that all authority and all power is with Allah swt who is his creator and the creator of heavens and earth and the creator of each and everything.How lovely relation ship is? May Allah grant us your special love.Aameen
