Saturday, January 26, 2013

Every Day Is A Witness

Every single day of this wordly life calls out:" O People! I am a new day and I am witness to all that which is performed in me, and once the sun has set, I will not return back to you until Yaw al - Qiyamah." - Hasan al basri


  1. Asalam-o-alaikum wa rahamatullahi wa baarakatahu ustaza.
    Mashallah suj a wondrful post n so true.
    Time and tide wait for none.
    Jazakallahu khairan ustaza 4 suj wndrful n informativ posts.
    May Allah(swt) bless u and grant u jannat al firdous.
    Ameen ya rab.

  2. `Ali ibn Abi Talib said: "Whoever has the following six characteristics does all that is required to make him enter Paradise and avoid Hell: to know Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala and obey him, to know Satan and disobey him, to know the truth and follow it, to know the falsehood and avoid it, to know the life of this world and renounce it, and to know the Hereafter and seek it."
