Sunday, October 31, 2010

Best Days of The World!

‏عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ رَضِيَ الله عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: "أَفْضَلُ أَيَّامِ الْدُّنْيَا أَيَّامُ الْعَشْرِ، يَعْنِي عَشْرُ ذِي الحْجَّةِ". أخرجه البزار
“The best days of the world are the ten days, the ten days of Dhul Hijjah." - Reported by Bazzar
First ten days of Dhul Hijjah are the best days of the year. Plan the best for them.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Are You Worried?

عَنِ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ الله عَنْهَا، قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: "إِذَا أَصَابَ أَحَدَكُمْ هَمٌّ أَوْ لأْوَاءٌ فَلْيَقُلْ: اللَّهُ، اللَّهُ رَبِّى لاَ أُشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئًا". أخرجه الطبرانى
Are you Worried? Read!

اللَّهُ، اللَّهُ رَبِّى لاَ أُشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئًا

Whatever Allaah Wills

tThe Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:‘Do not say: whatever Allaah wills and what so and so wills, but rather say: whatever Allaah wills then what so and so wills. - ’Narrated by Hudhayfah

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dead or Alive

"Books are the gardens of learned." and "The man of learning is alive even after his death. The man of ignorance is dead even while he is alive." - Ali (r a)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reap the Returns

*If you plant honesty, you will reap trust

* If you plant goodness, you will reap friends

* If you plant humility, you will reap greatness

* If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment

* If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective

* If you plant hard work, you will reap success

* If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation

So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later.

'Whatever You Give To Life, Life Gives You Back‘. Live our CORE VALUES, and Reap the returns!

Dream and Aim

The difference between dream and aim, Dream requires Soundless sleep to see Where as Aim Requires Sleepless Efforts to Achieve.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Good Company

"It is better to remain silent than to speak a word of evil, but it is better to speak a word of good than to remain silent. And it is better to be alone than to remain in bad company, but far better to remain in good company than to be alone"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Students of Knowledge

كم من حريص جامع جاشع ليس بمنتفع و لا نافع
“How many dedicated (students of knowledge) there are, seeking to gather it and desirous of obtaining it, yet they do not gain benefit from it nor do they give benefit out to others.” - Al-Awzaa'ee

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Calamities and Trials

"Perform Hajj for the terrible things to come; fast on an extremely hot day, for the duration of the resurrection; pray two rakahs in the darkness of the night for the loneliness and coldness of the grave; say a good word or restrain from bad talk for the standing on the Great Day; and give charity with your wealth in hope that you will be saved from other such (calamities and trials)." - Abu Dharr al-Ghafari

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mankind is on a journey

From the very moment of creation, mankind is on a journey.
He is a traveler and is not allowed to halt except when he reaches either Paradise or Hellfire.
The wise one among them is the one who knows that traveling is based on hardship and danger. It is usually hard to seek pleasures and relief during it, which are to be acquired after it is completed. Every footstep and every moan made during this journey will not stop him.
It is proven that the traveler is preparing supplies, which will take him to his final end. And if he halts, sleeps, or rests, he is doing so while preparing himself to complete his journey. - Abridged from: Al-Fawaai’d Ibn Qayyim,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Imperfection of Knowledge

"Everyone has an imperfection of knowledge and wisdom, if his wealth increases, he becomes so happy though day and night are working hard on destroying his life-span. So what is good of a wealth that increases and a life-span that decreases."Abu Dardaa'

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Illuminate The Heart

Worship and obedience illuminate the heart and make it strong and steadfast, until it becomes like a clear mirror, shining with light.
When Shaytaan draws close, he is struck by its light like those who try to eavesdrop [in the heavens] are struck by the shooting stars, and Shaytaan flees from this heart with more terror than a wolf fleeing from a lion." ibn al-qayyim, Al-Jawaab al-Kaafi

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Are You Today?

Al-Murrudi’ asked Imam Ahmed: “How are you today?”
He replied:
‘How can I be while I am required by my Lord to perform obligatory acts of worship, by my Prophet to practice his Sunnah, by the two angels to improve my deeds, and my soul urges me to follow it, Shaytaan pushes me to commit evil deeds, the Angel of death is waiting to take my life, and my children are asking me to provide for them?’” -Siyaar a'laam an Nubalaa 11/227

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your Share

“O son of Adam! You need your share in this life, but need your share in the Hereafter even more. If you took care of your share in this life, then you will lose your share in the Hereafter and are soon bound to lose your share in this life too. If you took care of your share in the Hereafter, you will also win your full share in this life with ease.-Fada'il al- Dhikr by ibn al Jawzi p. 19

Beneficial Speech

“It was said to Hamdoon bin Ahmad: ‘Why is it that the speech of the Salaf was more beneficial than ours?’ He said, ‘Because they spoke for the honor of Islaam, and for the deliverance of their own souls, and for the pleasure of ar-Rahman, and we speak for the honor of our souls, for seeking the world, and for the pleasure of the creation." - Abdullah bin Mubarak

O Allah!

O Allah make the best part of my life the last part
And my best deed the last deed
And my best day in which I meet YOU

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Two Days and Two Nights

There are two days and two nights the likes of which no one has ever heard of before: the Day on which you will receive the news about Allâh the Exalted: whether you will receive His punishment or His mercy, the Day you will be given your book (of deeds): either in your right hand or your left, that [first] night you will spend alone in your grave, a night like no other you have spent, and that night on the morning of which will be the Day of Resurrection, after which there will be no more night.- Anas b. Mâlik
Abû Bakr Al-Daynûrî, Al-Mujâlasah wa Jawâhir Al-’Ilm article 19

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Matter of Afterlife

At the time of Fajr, or a while before it, the Salaf would be as if birds were sitting on their heads: (still ) concentrating on themselves [and their worship], so much so that even if one of their closest friends came to them after having been parted from them, they would not notice him. They would remain in this state until just before sunrise. Then, they would meet each other and sit in the circles. The first thing they would discuss is the matter of their afterlife and what would become of them in the hereafter. Then they would begin the circles of Quran and Fiqh study. Imâm Al-Awzâ’î –
Ibn ‘Asâkir, Târîkh Dimishq 35:184, 185

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Your Habits

“Arrest your thoughts, they become your ideas, arrest your ideas, they become your desires, arrest your desires, they become your character, arrest your character, it becomes your actions, and arrest your actions, they become your habits”.
Ibn al-Qayym

Take account of yourself

حاسبوا أنفسكم قبل أن تحاسبوا ، وزنوا أنفسكم قبل أن توزنوا، فإنه أهون عليكم فى الحساب غدا أن تحاسبوا أنفسكم اليوم، وَتَزَيَّنوا للعرض الأكبر، يومئذ تعرضون لا تخفى منكم خافية
Take account of yourself before you are taken to account and weigh yourself before you are weighed, for it would be easier on your Accounting tomorrow if you do so today. Adorn yourself for the great exposure, the day you shall be exposed and not a secret of yours will remain hidden. —‘Umar b. al-Khattab [Muṣannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah, Kanz al-‘Ummāl]

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do not Hate them

Become a scholar if you are able. If you are not able, then be a student. If you can not, then show love for them. If you are unable to do that, then (at least) do not hate them.

'Umar ibn 'Abdil-'Azeez

Friday, October 8, 2010


سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do you mock the supplication?

‘Do you mock the supplication and belittle it?
While you do not know what it has the power to do!
The arrows of the night (du’a) do not miss target
But they have an end which brings matters to an end
So if my Lord wishes, He holds it back
And if the decree is to be fulfilled, He sets it forth.’

- Imam al-Shafi’i

Wasting Time

‎"Wasting time is worse than death, because death separates you from
this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah."
[Ibn al Qayyim]