Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your Share

“O son of Adam! You need your share in this life, but need your share in the Hereafter even more. If you took care of your share in this life, then you will lose your share in the Hereafter and are soon bound to lose your share in this life too. If you took care of your share in the Hereafter, you will also win your full share in this life with ease.-Fada'il al- Dhikr by ibn al Jawzi p. 19


  1. How to strike a balance? Giving your family a decent life is also considered Ibadah but in these competitive times if you have a career you get sucked into it to the point of having no time for anything else leaving you with a big spiritual gape.

  2. Imaam ahmed ,

    “People need knowledge more than they need food and drink, because they need food and drink two or three times a day, but they need knowledge all the time.”

  3. asalam o alikum acctuly i want to discus somthings about me.but how.plz tell me thanx
