Monday, December 6, 2010


“A servant will commit a sin and as a result enter Paradise and a servant will perform a righteous deed and as a result enter the Fire.” Ibn Al-Qayyim shed light on the above saying of some of the righteous scholars, He explained, “A servant commits a sin which then stays at the forefront of his mind when he stands, sits and walks – always recollecting his sin. This generates dejection, repentance, seeking forgiveness, and regret that become the source of his salvation. “Conversely, an individual performs a good deed and it then continues to be at the forefront of his mind when he stands, sits and walks, each recollection of it causes him to view himself with amazement, pride and the sense of having favored (others), which are all causes for his destruction.


  1. Asalamualiakum Ustaza I hope You are doing Well...I am very blessed that i can hear your inspirational and Emman Strengthening Talk every day. Allah Bless u with high Degree of Success in this world and Hereafter, Pls can u further help me and other people what are the best Books of Tafsir. It would be a great help Pls suggest.

    ustaza mashallah u are sharing very beautiful aqwal of ibnul qayam i like them very much and i m waiting for ur post. May ALLAH TALLAH blessed u in this life and in akhira.AMEEN

  3. “Dive into the darkness of death and rise to eminence. Thus will you earn a distinguished and lasting honor. No good is there in a soul which fears death, nor in a willpower which is annoyed by the reproaches of those who like to find faults.”

  4. i just love this blog... every day eye opening lesson :) thank you Dr.
