Monday, October 17, 2011

How Useful is Your Knowledge?

"Useful knowledge is that which makes you grow in the fear of Allah,increases you in awareness of your defects, deepens your knowledge of the worship of your Lord Most High, decreases your desire for this world and increases your desire for the life to come, and opens youreyes to the defects of your actions so that you guard against them."-Imam Ghazali


  1. Salam Farhat aunty . Please pray that I get good manners.please!! I have worst manners thanks.

  2. @ Please pray that I get good manners.please!! I have worst manners thanks.

    ****** Cultivate TAQWA (fear of Allah). ******

  3. ...WHO ***FEAR*** ALLAH, HE WILL MAKE THEIR **** PATH EASY.**** (At-Talaq 65:4)

  4. Importance of Learning Good Manners
    Importance of Learning Good Manners

    Imaam Maalik ibn Anas (May Allah have mercy upon him) said to a youth from the Quraysh:

    "Oh nephew, learn good mannerisms before you learn the knowledge."

    (Taken from Al-Jaami' fee Ahkaam wa Aadaab As-Sibyaan/al-Hilyah 6/330)

    Abdullaah ibn Mubaarak (May Allaah be pleased with him) said:

    "Learn the knowledge for one month and the good mannerisms for two months."

    ( Al-Jaami' fee Ahkaam wa Aadaab As-Sibyaan/Mu'jam al-Udabaa 1/56)
