Saturday, April 21, 2012

Do not Disclose

O my Son! Do not disclose the faults of people or Allah will expose you in your own home. For Allah is the Concealer; He loves the one who conceals! And do not be unjust to anyone. And when your power invites you to transgression against people, then remember that indeed Allah is most powerful! - Umm Hakimah


  1. jazakAllaahu khairan respected ustaza for sharing beautiful advice

  2. Allah Almighty says,

    "Fulfil your contracts. Contracts will be asked about." (17:34)

  3. Anonymous said...

    assalamu va alaikum,
    I am a sister in Islam.My son is 22 yr old.when he was in the end of his 10th std 16 yr old he started saying that when there is a photo in the room i feel it is looking at me i feel head ache. Now he says i have a mental problem & i feel headache.When he started with this problem we showed him to psychiatrists who were giving some or the other tablets.We went to a neurologist also wherein we got his brain scan &the doctor told he doesnt have any problem but he thinks in his mind that i have a headache & that he feels as if he has a headache.Now after suffering in this problem he makes dua that he should die.He has started doing kufr by not doing namaz and abusing me why i bought him on this earth & so on.Can u plz help me in this matter my email id is

    May 18, 2012 5:42 PM

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