Sunday, December 16, 2012

Qualities For The Bears Of The QURAN

It befits the bearer of the Qur’an to be known by his night when the people are asleep; by his day when the people are feasting; by his caution when the people mix [the lawful and the unlawful]; by his humility when the people are proud; by his grief when the people are happy; by his weeping when the people are laughing; and by his silence when the people chatter.
—’Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud [d. 32H]


  1. "May Allah (SWT) keep all the Muslim Ummah attached to QUR'AN and bless these qualities in all of us." Ameen ...

  2. Al Hasan, Al Basri

    Every sadness will gradually diminish, except the sadness of sins.
