Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wise Sayings of Luqman

“If you’re in prayer, take care of your heart;
If you’re eating, take care of your throat;
If you’re in another man’s house, take care of your eyes;
If you are among people, take care of your tongue.
Remember two matters and forget two matters:
Remember Allah (SWT) and death;
Forget any good that you have done to another
and any evil that was done to you by another.”


  1. Jazak Allahu Khairun,Dearest Ustazah.I need this reminder daily, every moment of my life, what little of it, is left we don't know. I am going to post this great wise saying, in a place where I can see all the time...May Allah(SWT) Bless Luqman and you. AMEEN...

  2. Subhanallah...
    very nice.thanks for sharing.
    stay blessed...

  3. Your obedience does not benefit Him, and your disobedience does not harm Him. It is only for your own good that He commanded the one and prohibited the other.
