Sunday, December 1, 2013

Talking To The Nafs

A poem someone wrote speaking to his nafs (himself), addressing himself, giving himself advice. So he says: 
Oh myself! What will calm you?
Can’t you remain patient for a day or two?
I tried to contain you but your strength overpowers 
But when we die, life will seem like ours
So can’t you be patient for part of a day
And remain steadfast upon the straight way?
The direction you are taking leads to my worst fears 
Of the day we stand for 50 000 years
No one will joke, nor talk, nor smile
And the sun from our heads will be at a mile
Nowhere to hide and nowhere to flee
Standing for what seems an eternity
Then the judgment begins and the books will land
Either on your right or your left hand
Oh myself! Do not become like those who left the right track
And put their left hand behind their back
Oh self! How do you plan to cross the sirat suspended in the air
Craftier than a fox, sharper than a sword, and thinner than a hair?
How do you plan to cross, or will you cross at all?
With the blink of an eye will you run or would you rather crawl?
The bad deeds you command will drop you from it and only good deeds put you back up on it
Oh self! It is a 500 year drop suspension over a terrible place I would rather not mention
Oh self! Don’t be fooled by this world and its illusions
And keep in mind judgment, the grave and other conclusions
Oh self! Wake up, don’t follow your desire
And ask for forgiveness to avoid the Fire
Oh self! Keep the command and avoid the prohibitions
And pay close attention to these admonitions
Be amongst those who are the best of planners 
Who prepared for the future with good deeds and good manners
Oh self! It’s simply about your control 
Being patient now so as to reach your goal
I don’t mean to put burden or to put much stress
Just to warn of a day when the limbs confess
Sins add up as you live through the years 
Then sadness won’t save you and nor will the tears
Every time you sin the Shaytan is winning 
So remember the One against Whom you are sinning
Oh myself! Life is short and ends when you least expect it
And then what will you say when you are resurrected?
The Angel of Death overlooked you and took the souls of your brothers
And one day It will come to you and overlook others
For great reward plant the righteous seeds 
Oh Allah, we seek refuge in the evil of ourselves and from the evil of our deeds!


  1. Very good....and..." we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves...."

  2. We are being defeated by our nafs again and again:(

  3. Allah may accept from us every effort in His name

    With Pure Intentions .
    we all are carrying a load
    Either burdens to relief our souls or just a weight to let it go
    Allah may save us from Shar of our Naffs Ameen

  4. Shaddad ibne Aws (radi Allahu anhu) once began to cry. People asked why he was crying, so he replied, “It is something I heard from Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) which makes me weep when I remember it. Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘I fear for my people Shirk (ascribing partners to Allah) and hidden desires.’ I asked: ‘O Rasulullah! Would your people be guilty of idolatry after your death?’ Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: ‘Yes (but) they will not worship the sun, the moon, a stone or an idol; but they will act for display (without sincerity). Hidden desire is that one of them will start the day fasting, but when one of his desires will present itself to him; he will abandon his fast (and satisfy his desire).’” [Musnad Ahmed]

    A man was offering his prayers in his house. He was praying as fast as he could as many of us do. All of a sudden, he heard the door behind him open. Since someone had entered the room, he started making his Ruku and Sujood longer. Upon completion of his Salah he looked back to see who it was. To his amazement, it was a dog!

    Today we are ready to perfect our Salah for a dog. But for the Creator, we rarely lengthen our Qiyam (standing), Ruku (bowing) and Sujood (prostrations). Today we don beautiful clothes and jewelry if we are to meet a renowned person. Whereas when the pious people of the past would get up for Tahajjud prayer at night, they would wear their best clothes, put on Surma and adorn themselves to stand in front of Allah.

    Everything a Muslim does should be for Allah. If the intention behind the act of Allah’s obedience is to please other than Allah, then the person has set up another entity alongside Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) who is to be pleased. The believers are intense in their love of Allah, everything else is secondary for them.

    “Among the people there are some who set up co-gods beside Allah whom they love like the love due to Allah. But those who believe are most intense in their love for Allah.” [Quran: Surah Al-Baqara, Ayat 165]

    So how is showing off and acting for display a type of Shirk? Because its goal is not the pleasure of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) – it is ultimately oneself, one’s Nafs and its desires, whom one is trying to satisfy and please. The person showing off is most intense in his love of himself and his desires.

    “Have you seen the one who has taken his desires as his god.” [Quran: Surah Al-Furqan, Ayat 43]

    Is my Nafs the biggest idol I hide in my chest today?

  5. Nafs is the biggest idol we need to break. I yearn for peoples approval when I should be yearning for Allah's approval.
