Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A wise Person

‘A wise person is one who keeps a watch over his bodily desires and passions, and checks himself from that which is harmful and strives for that which will benefit him after death; and a foolish person is one who subordinates himself to his cravings and desires and expects from Allah the fulfilment of his futile desires.-Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 66


  1. Allaah has created Angels with reason but having no desires;
    animals with desires but no reason,
    & man with both reason and desires.

    Therefore, if one’s reason is stronger than his desires, he is like an Angel… while if his desires are stronger than his reason, he is like an animal.

    (Ibn Al-Qayyim)

  2. Quote:
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
    the courage to change the one I can,
    and the wisdom to know it's me.
    [Author unknown.]


  3. Subhanallah ,Alhamdulillah ,Allahu Akbar .
    Mantap deh ,top markotop .
