Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Better To Be Afraid Yet Safe

Al-Hasan al-Basri was asked, 
“O Abu Sa’id! What should we do? We sit with people who make us afraid (from death) that makes our hearts fly away.”He said, “By Allah! If you associate with someone who makes you afraid, so that you earn safety, is better than associating with someone who makes you feel safe, for in this case, un-safety might touch you.”Al-I’hyaa 4:170


  1. "The more a Muslim thinks of death, the better he acts in life. " (Sheikh Yasir Qadhi)...Dearest Ustazah. I personally do not feel safe in dunya anymore.I fear, What if a big test comes in life, from Allaah(SWT),and I fail, and of old age when I can not worship Him properly.and forget the KALIMAH because of memory problems. May Allaah(SWT)forgives me, and give me Kalimah ki zindagi Kalimah ki mauth. AMEEN...,

  2. "Do not look at the minuteness of the sin, but see Whom you have sinned against."
