Friday, December 21, 2012

Forbearance and Humility With Knowledge

Learn knowledge, and learn calmness and forbearance for the sake of knowledge. Humble yourselves to those whom you teach, and let those whom you teach humble themselves to you. Do not be tyrannical people of knowledge, lest your knowledge not spread because of your ignorance.—‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb


  1. There is no good in a person who does not love to earn money (lawfully) so that he can fulfill his obligations with it and have no need of his fellow humans.

    —Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab

  2. AlHamdulillah, so right!... For goodness to spread, it is understandable that, the teacher,s duty is to deliver, transfer the knowledge and behavior to the students. They are the role models.

  3. Asalamalaikum wa rahamatullahi wa baarakatahu ustaza.
    Such wonderful and so true.
    I love all your lectures and 'Ilm ki fazilat' section is so helpful and informative.
    Jazakallahu khairan for the knowledge you r giving,
    May Allah(subhanu wa tala) bless u and grant u Jannat Al firdous.
    Ameen :)
