Monday, June 27, 2011


ولا بد للمؤمن من صبر قليل حتى يصل به إلى راحة طويلةand it’s incumbent upon the believer to have a little patience in order to reach by way of it to a lengthy rest. - Ibn Rajab

فإن جزع ولم يصبر فهو كما قال ابن المبارك من صبر فما أقل ما يصبر ومن جزع فما أقل ما يتمتع

If he gets impatient then he is, as has been said by Ibn al-Mubaarak: Whoever exercises patience, then how little is the patience he will have to exercise. And whoever is impatient, then how little is the enjoyment he will have.

:وكان الإمام الشافعي رحمه اللَه ينشد

يا نَـفـسُ مــا هِـــيَ إلاّ صَـــبـــرُ أَيّامِ

كَــأَنَّ مُـدَّتَــهـــا أَضــغــاثُ أَحــلامِ

يا نَـفْـسُ جـــوزي عَـنِ الـدُنــيا مُـبـادِرَةً

وَخَــلِّ عَـنـهـا فَـإِنَّ الـعَـيشَ قُــدامـــي

al-Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee used to recite (the following verses of poetry):

“O my soul! It is not, except a few days of patience; As if the extent were but a few dreams.

O my soul! Pass quickly on through this world; And leave it, for indeed life lies ahead of it.”


  1. Dearest Ustazah Assalam o Alaikum warehmatullahi wa barakatuhu....Allah subhanahu wa taala give you health and best shifa.InshaAllah.Ameen

  2. May Alalh bless you and give you life full of a'afiah and health and Imaan.You are the one of jewel of this world so jewel need to shine long. Aameen

  3. Ibrâhîm an-Nakhâ‘î (rahimahullâh) said,

    “Whoever reflects will find that the noblest and most dignified person of every gathering is the one who is most silent, because silence beautifies the scholar and conceals the faults of the ignorant.”
