Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Indeed righteousness illuminates the heart, radiates the face, strengthens the body, increases provision, and produces a love in the hearts of the creation for that person. Whereas sinfulness darkens the heart, greys the face, weakens the body, and produces hatred in the hearts of the creation for that person. - Ibn Abbaas


  1. subhanAllah!never heard before this beautiful saying. It touches my heart so much.indeed rightousness makes you beautiful from inside& from outside....for whom who understand.

  2. very true the heart is an important place to be purified

  3. Muhammad b. Ismâ`îl Al-Bukhârî was distinguished with three qualities – in addition to the rest of his praseworthy traits: He never spoke much, he never yearned for what people had. He would never occupy himself with other people’s affairs; all his attention was towards knowledge.
