Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ten Causes to True Love

These ten causes take the lovers to the station of true love and bring them to their Beloved.
When I'm alone, I crave company & someone to support me. No one comes to help me except Allah !
When I pretend to be strong infront of the world, nobody sees my weaknesses, nobody sees my tears, except Allah !
When I'm sad and I want a shoulder to cry on, nobody seems to notice my hidden tears or to support me but Allah !
If I do wrong, people will seldom forgive and forget easily. Only Allah, if I just ask Him, forgives me.
Pleasing a human is most dificult. Pleasing Allah is the easiest. People sometimes punish me for the mistakes I have not done. Allah ignores & excuses the ones that I did.
That's ALLAH ! The Greatest, The Allmighty, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. - Ibn al-Qayyim Jawziyyah
Subhan Allah!


  1. That's why i love my ALLAH.....the most

  2. How deep thoughts Ibn al Qayyim Jawziyyah had?MashAllah.May Allah bless his soul and grant him His true love.Aameen

  3. JXKK.


    It is the Universal Truth.
    Allah (SWT) is my Best Friend - that's why He is always close to me.

    Maimoona Syed

  4. SubhanAllah, great contribution.

  5. SubhanAllah!!
    I love u ALLAH!

  6. jazakALLAH KHAIR
    that's y ALLAH S.W.T is my best friend n ALLAH S.W.T is the only source of relexaion for me

  7. looking for tajalliat e nabwi recording its not on ur web site.want to listen to ur lecture please put it back on alhuda web site

  8. What Allah desires from the actions of His creation is Ikhlaas and nothing else
